Workshop on Robotics… 5th and 6th October, 2011

Posted on 11:13 by Anonymous

The institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) GIKI Chapter, has been one of the most prominent and active societies in GIK Institute for the past many years. In order to hone this tradition, IEEE members in GIKI organized a two-day interactive hands-on- experience workshop for the freshmen and sophomore students (batch 21 and 20 students respectively). The workshop not only served primarily as an introduction of what IEEE is about and what types of fields in engineering does it cater for, but also as a guide to the basic robotics. Workshop attendants were given a brief view of basic electronic devices like sensors, logic gates and transistor devices.
The workshop was divided into 4 sessions in order to cater for the large number of people who registered for the workshop. Each session was 2 hours long. In the first hour, students were given lectures by final-year students on the basics of robot building and then in the next hour, asked to make the simplest circuit of a line-tracking robot on a trainer board in the logic-design laboratories. All IEEE members were at every workshops attendant’s disposal, ready to guide and help them in making the circuit every step of the way. It was very pleasing to note that many students were capable of making a successful working circuit. We hope that this workshop will serve as a very essential tool in helping the students produce a fully-functional line-tracking robot and a battle-robot so that they can actively participate in the up-coming IEEE Intra GIKI events, namely ‘Line-tracking’ and the eagerly awaited ‘RoboWars’ along with ‘RoboScoccer’.

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